Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants – Which is Right for Me?

If you’re an Omaha woman considering getting a breast augmentation, you’re probably wondering if you should get saline or silicone breast implants. Both types are FDA-approved and completely safe for surgery, but they offer different benefits, and some women may prefer one set of benefits over another. To help you decide, we’ve put together this blog post explaining the differences between each type of implant.
Saline Breast Implants
Omaha women who are looking for extra cleavage and a “wow” factor to their busts typically choose to have saline implants placed. That’s because saline implants and their round shape allow Westfield Plastic Surgery Center’s Dr. Ayoub to more easily create cleavage for women who want it.
Another benefit of saline implants is since they are round, you’ll never have to worry about implant rotation distorting your breasts. If your saline implants move within the breast pocket that Dr. Ayoub creates during your breast augmentation, they’ll simply rotate, without providing any noticeable changes to your breasts.
Finally, while it’s rare for any implant to rupture, it’s extremely easy for Omaha women to self-determine if their saline breast implants have ruptured. The reason is that ruptured saline implants automatically deflate your breast, or cause it to fold in.
Silicone Breast Implants
While there are several benefits to saline implants, most Omaha women choose silicone implants for their breast augmentation surgeries. The reasons are plenty, including:
- Silicone implants look more natural
- Silicone implants feel more natural to the touch
- Silicone implants can come in a rounded or teardrop shape, which can better accentuate your natural physique or give you the look you desire
Omaha women who choose silicone breast implants should be cautioned that ruptures are harder to detect than with saline implants. A silicone implant may rupture, and the patient may be none the wiser. For this reason, Dr. Ayoub instructions his breast augmentation patients who choose silicone implants to have regular, elective screening MRIs, about every 2-3 years so an MRI technician can deduce whether or not a rupture has occurred and a breast revision is needed.
Finding the Right Breast Implants for You
In order for you to know which implants will be best for your breast augmentation surgery, you need to think about a few key questions, including:
- What type of results do I want?
- Do I want rounded or teardrop shaped implants?
- Is the way my implants feel to the touch important to me?
- Am I comfortable and able to afford to get elective MRIs every few years?
The answer to these questions will help lead you to the implants that are best for you. Of course, throughout your breast augmentation and during the formation of your surgical plan, Dr. Ayoub will be there every step of the way to help you make the best decision for you.
Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation Today
Whether you’re on the fence about getting breast implants or you know for sure you want a breast augmentation, a consultation with Dr. Ayoub of Westfield Plastic Surgery can help you.
To schedule this appointment, call his practice today at (402) 829-6384. Then, head over to our breast implant before and after gallery to view real patient results!