How Long is the Recovery Period for a Full Tummy Tuck?

Anytime you’re going to have a surgery, whether it’s medically necessitated or elective, it’s completely understandable to want to know what your recovery process will look like and how long your recovery will take. For Omaha patients seeking a full tummy tuck, that desire is no different.
The short answer to this question is there’s no particular “set time” for an Omaha man or woman to recover from this procedure. Everyone is different, and certain factors unique to you may allow you to heal faster or slower than average. Typically speaking, though, patients make a full recovery between 4-6 weeks post-op.
There are stages of recovery, though, which we’ll now explain.
Immediately After Your Surgery
Dr. Ayoub requires all his Omaha patients to take 2 weeks off work, school, or their other regular activities to rest and relax after their surgery. The first few days, you should be in bed or resting on your couch or recliner. However, even on day 1, you should be up and on your feet taking slow, brief walks around your house for the best blood circulation possible.
During these first 2 weeks, you won’t be able to lift or carry anything heavy. This includes small children. For Omaha moms having a tummy tuck, it is practically a must that you get help around the home caring for your small children either from family, friends, or a local babysitter.
2 Weeks After Your Surgery
2 weeks after your tummy tuck, you’ll be able to lift and carry heavy objects again. For Omaha moms of little ones, that means your toddler will be happy once again! But, don’t take it too hard. You should still refrain from sports and exercise until Dr. Ayoub has cleared you to begin these activities in a few more weeks.
4-6 Weeks After Your Surgery
Sometime around the 4-6 week post-op mark, most patients will have made a full recovery from their elective tummy tuck surgery. At this time, Dr. Ayoub will clear you for strenuous activity, including playing sports and performing heavy exercises such as running or weightlifting.
Keep in mind, though, that all patients heal differently. It is possible that, even without surgical or recovery complications, you may need a few more weeks of downtime before Dr. Ayoub declares you fully recovered.
Things That May Speed Up Your Recovery Process*
Though not a guarantee, there are certain post-surgical behaviors that tend to help patients heal faster. These include:
- Drinking plenty of water
- Eating a healthy diet
- Icing the surgical site for the first few days post-op to reduce swelling
- Refraining from using any nicotine products – including smoking cigarettes, vaping, or using chewing tobacco – as nicotine products are known to delay the body’s natural healing process
- If you’re diabetic, having your disease under control so that you heal in a normal timeframe
Contact Westfield Plastic Surgery to Learn More
To learn more about healing from a tummy tuck – or about the surgery itself – schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Ayoub at Westfield Plastic Surgery Center.
You can make the appointment today by calling (402) 829-6384, and make sure to visit our photo gallery to results of patients who trusted Dr. Ayoub with their tummy tuck procedure.
*Individual Results May Vary