Facts You Should Know Before Getting Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular plastic surgery procedure in Omaha and throughout the US. But before you sign up to go under the knife, Dr. Ayoub of Westfield Plastic Surgery Center wants to make sure you are informed about the procedure. Here are four facts you should know before getting liposuction.
1. Liposuction is Not a Weight Loss Procedure
Some Omaha men and women who are overweight or have loose or flabby skin in their abdomen, flanks, thighs or other problem areas think that liposuction will finally help them lose the weight they’ve wanted to shed. But, each liposuction surgery only removes about 4lbs of fat. That’s not nearly enough to be considered a weight loss procedure, or to make a significant difference in someone who is significantly overweight. In fact, liposuction is really only ideal for patients who are close to or at their goal weight, but have stubborn fat deposits that just won’t go away no matter how much they diet or exercise.
2. Liposuction is a Safe and Relatively Easy Procedure
This outpatient surgery is performed every day across the US, and only takes a few hours to complete. It’s also very effective at removing stubborn fat cells. If you choose to get liposuction with Omaha’s Dr. Ayoub, he’ll make small incisions in your problem area to insert the liposuction cannula – a small tube that will be used to suction out the fat.
3. Liposuction Removes Fat Cells for Good
Your body has a finite – or set amount – of fat cells. When you choose liposuction, some of those fat cells are removed for good. This means, the fat cells that are removed will never, ever grow back. Keep in mind though, that the size and shape of fat cells can change as your weight fluctuates. If you have liposuction, then gain weight, your remaining fat cells may enlarge, and significantly impact your results. This why Dr. Ayoub likes to make certain that his Omaha patients are at a stable weight before undergoing the procedure.
4. Liposuction Does come with a Recovery Period – But It’s Not as Bad as You May Think
Even though it’s relatively easy to perform, liposuction is a surgery, so you will have some downtime after your procedure. Initially, you’ll be placed in compression garments to help reduce swelling, which you should wear for two to four weeks depending on your unique case. You’ll need about two to four days in bed for rest and relaxation, and after that you can get back on your feet and resume light activities – even work or school if your job or commute isn’t strenuous. Lifting heavy objects or exercising should be suspended for about 6 weeks following your procedure.
Are You Ready to Take the Plunge?
Now that you know these facts about liposuction, are you ready to have the surgery? If so, your next step is to talk to Dr. Ayoub during an initial appointment at Westfield Plastic Surgery Center.
To schedule your appointment today, call (402) 829-6384.