The Periareolar Incision is Not Recommended for Women Who Plan to Breastfeed. Here’s Why!

Many Omaha women who come to Dr. Ayoub for breast augmentation are in the middle of their childbearing years. And whether they’ve had some children, and plan to have more, or haven’t yet started a family, but know they want one, one of the most common concerns among childbearing women is how a breast augmentation may affect their ability to breastfeed in the future. In fact, a specific question that Dr. Ayoub of Westfield Plastic Surgery frequently gets is whether or not the areolar breast augmentation incision – the popular breast augmentation incision that is made along the bottom curve of the areola to disguise scarring – is safe for future breastfeeding. Is this is a good incision for Omaha breast augmentation patients who plan to have and breastfeed children in the future? Read on to learn more.
The Periareolar Incision is Not Recommended for Women Who Plan to Breastfeed
The areolar breast augmentation incision, also called the periareolar incision, is not recommended for Omaha breast augmentation patients who may want to breastfeed in the future. The reason is that this specific breast incision type can cut through milk ducts, making future breastfeeding more difficult, or even impossible. But, what’s a woman – who is looking for a breast-based incision that better ensures symmetrical results – to do? For starters, she can try the inframammary breast incision.
The Inframammary Breast Incision is a Good Alternative to the Periareolar Incision
Many breast augmentation women choose to have an incision made on their breast because they know a breast-based incision site provides the best odds for the most symmetrical results possible. Omaha women who want to breastfeed in the future should choose an inframammary incision. The inframammary incision is made in the breast fold, and a bikini or a bra line covers its scar. Most importantly, the inframammary incision spares the milk ducts, making future breastfeeding with this incision type completely safe and possible.
Other Breast Augmentation Incision Types
Some women of childbearing age are so concerned with their future ability to breastfeed, they don’t want a breast augmentation incision made anywhere near their breasts. These women have two additional breast augmentation incisions types to choose from:
The Transaxillary Incision
This incision type is made underneath the armpit. The breast implant is placed through the incision, and then moved through a channel to the breast. While this incision does not cut through breast tissue and therefore preserves all milk ducts, it does make it harder for Dr. Ayoub to ensure symmetrical-looking final results.
The TUBA Incision
Another “off the breast” incision type is called the TUBA incision. Made in the belly button, this incision best disguises breast augmentation scars and damages no milk ducts. However, since the implant must travel from the belly button up to the breast site, it is more difficult for Dr. Ayoub to provide TUBA breast augmentation patients with symmetrical results.
Choosing to Get a Breast Augmentation During Your Childbearing Years
As we’ve mentioned before, it is perfectly safe for women to get a breast augmentation during their childbearing years. If you would like to have a breast augmentation now, and plan to have and breastfeed children in the future, tell Dr. Ayoub during your initial consultation appointment with him. During this complimentary appointment, Dr. Ayoub will listen to your desires and concerns and come up with a personalized treatment plan for you.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ayoub today, call his office in Omaha at (402) 829-6384.