What Happens To My Belly Button After A Tummy Tuck?

The allure of finally having a flat stomach is what convinced many women in Omaha to undergo a tummy tuck procedure. Some tummy tuck patients have lost a large amount of weight and are plagued by extra loose skin, while others have gone through pregnancy and their stomachs never really bounced back into place.
No matter the reason, tummy tucks are wonderful for giving women hope that they can look and feel “normal” again. They realize a long, horizontal incision will be made along the underside of their lower belly, but the scar is rarely visible in public — and it’s only a small price to pay for a smooth midsection. However, some forget how one key feature of their stomach may be impacted: the belly button.
Most of us don’t give our belly buttons much thought because they aren’t anything special; they’ve just always been there. A tummy tuck, however, can alter the way the belly button looks, which can be a big surprise for some patients.
The Effects of A Tummy Tuck on The Belly Button
During a tummy tuck in Omaha, your surgeon makes a small incision around the belly button to release it from the surrounding skin. This allows the surgeon to pull and tighten the skin more easily, ensuring the stomach is completely flat and taught. Once that is done, the belly button is moved and repositioned on the stomach so it is still located in a natural spot on the belly.
If done correctly by an experienced plastic surgeon, most tummy tuck patients find their new belly buttons to look much better than their old ones and completely natural. Crafting the belly button is one of the most important parts of performing a tummy tuck, and a surgeon with an eye for detail will leave you looking great.
To see how belly buttons can change after tummy tucks, take a look at the “Before and After” photo gallery for Dr. Ayoub’s work at Westfield Plastic Surgery Center in Omaha. You will notice in the “before” photos that the belly buttons tend to be larger and even covered or a bit buried by loose skin. The “after” photos feature smaller, natural-looking belly buttons that fit their new stomachs perfectly.
View Tummy Tuck Before & After Photos
If you only have a small amount of loose skin on your stomach, or have developed a fat deposit under the belly button due to age or having children, you may be a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is much less invasive than a full tummy tuck and the surgeon does not need to reposition the belly button at all. Many women love this option if they qualify because their stomach still looks like their own — just a little bit better.
Thinking about having a tummy tuck? Dr. Ayoub at Westfield Plastic Surgery Center in Omaha will sit down with you to listen to your concerns and give you professional advice on how to transform your appearance in order to achieve results you will be thrilled with. Your first consultation is completely complimentary, so call today to schedule your appointment.