What Are the Effects of Wearing a Sports Bra After Breast Augmentation?

In the previous blog post ( find link below), I mentioned that wearing a surgical bra after breast augmentation surgery will help you heal faster especially in the first few weeks after surgery. The type of bra you wear after surgery can impact your results, especially if you choose the wrong type.
Learn more about why surgical bras are necessary
Benefits of a Sports Bra
A sports bra offers the right amount of support for patients whose implants have settled into their final position. Some benefits of wearing a sports bra for the next few months of healing include:



Correct Placement
Before switching to a sports bra, you will have a follow-up appointment to determine how far along you are in your recovery.
How to Choose the Right Sports Bra
While you should wait a few months before wearing an underwire bra, it’s fine to switch to certain styles of sports bras after the initial period of healing. The most important features of a sports bra are:
Front opening:
Lifting your hands up or other motions that stretch your chest muscles will feel uncomfortable and sometimes painful. These are exactly the movements needed for a bra that hooks in the back or pulls over your head. To avoid this problem, choose a bra that opens in the front for more comfort.
Once the bandages over your incision come off, your skin will be tender and irritated by rough fabric. You should steer clear of lacy fabric or anything other than soft cotton or knits to help you skin heal.
Right size:
The result of a breast augmentation is larger breasts, but it can be hard to tell what the right size is just by looking. If you choose a bra that’s too small, it will press on your chest and cause discomfort. If your bra is too large, it won’t offer enough support. During your follow-up exam, I will discuss the best option for size that will help you continue to heal.
For additional questions or to schedule an appointment, contact our office in Omaha online of by phone.