Pregnancy and Breast Enhancement: How Will It Impact Your Results?

One of the biggest concerns for our younger patients who want to get breast implants is what will happen to them if they get pregnant in the future. A woman’s breasts undergo lots of different and unpredictable changes during pregnancy. It’s almost impossible to predict how those changes will impact your breasts or implants. But in this blog post, we’ll look at the potential impact that pregnancy can have on your breast enhancement. Omaha patients that curious about moving forward with breast enhancement should call Dr. Ayoub today at (402) 829-6384. You can also click here to browse through some of our gallery of patient results for breast enhancement.
Omaha patients that call our offices will get to talk with one of our dedicated and friendly staff. Getting calls from our new patients is something we look forward to every day. We’re more than happy to talk with you about your concerns or answer any questions we can. The next step is to set up a convenient time for you to come into our cozy and modern offices to meet with Dr. Ayoub in person for a preliminary consultation. This first meeting is critical because you’ll get to talk with Dr. Ayoub about what you want your results to look like. You’ll discuss your medical history, your goal for the size and shape of your breasts, and you’ll also undergo an examination. Dr. Ayoub will then start to develop your totally customized treatment plan that will guide him throughout the procedure.
Pregnancy and Breast Enhancement
Omaha patients that want more cleavage and more prominent breasts have lots of different questions and concerns to work through before their procedure. But one question that is particularly difficult to answer is how your new implants will react to pregnancy. Here are a few things to consider.
- No complications – Your breast implants will not cause any kind of complications. Breast implants are safe for unborn children, so you don’t need to worry about that.
- Time until pregnancy – Another thing to consider is how far away you are from actually having children. If you’re thinking of having children soon, it’s probably best to wait. But if you’re several years from getting pregnant then you may want to go ahead and get the procedure now.
- Two procedures or one – While some patients may want to enjoy their breast enhancement before their pregnancy, if their breasts change during pregnancy, they may need to get a breast revision procedure. That means more cost and more recovery time while you have young children. Patients that wait to get implants after pregnancy may appreciate only having to go through one procedure.
Now, here’s the main concern with pregnancy and breast enhancement. Omaha women with implants, whose breasts change drastically during pregnancy, will likely experience sagging and drooping breasts afterward. The implants will not look as good because the skin loses elasticity and drapes over the implants. In these situations, women will likely have to undergo a breast lift or breast revision to correct this.
The best thing to do is to give Omaha plastic surgeon, Dr. Ayoub a call today at (402) 829-6384 and schedule your preliminary consultation. While there is a lot of information available online, these medical considerations can be thoroughly discussed with an in-person meeting and examination.