Main Differences Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and A Tummy Tuck

Are you hoping that a tummy tuck procedure by an Omaha board-certified plastic surgeon could help you get a tighter abdomen? Are you at your ideal weight, but still have some stubborn, excess skin and fat that just won’t go away? If you’ve been doing stomach crunches to no avail, it may be time for a tummy tuck. And if you’ve been researching tummy tucks, you may have found that in addition to a traditional tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, plastic surgeons like Omaha Dr. Ayoub at Westfield Plastic Surgery Center also perform mini tummy tucks. But, what’s the difference between these two procedures? And which tummy tuck procedure is right for you?
What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?
A mini tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that only addresses excess skin and fat in the lower abdominal region, below the belly button. Because it focuses on a smaller area, a mini tummy tuck leaves you with a smaller scar. In addition to removing fat and skin bulges below the belly button, which are common in women who have had children or older women, a mini tummy tuck can also fix separated abdominal muscles, also called diastasis recti. Mini tummy tucks are only indicated for certain Omaha patients, and it’s only after a full consultation with Dr. Ayoub that you’ll know if you’re a candidate for a mini tummy tuck.
What is a Traditional Tummy Tuck?
Most Omaha patients will be candidates for a traditional tummy tuck. This procedure, which leaves a scar from hip to hip, removes excess skin and fat above and below the belly button, and repositions the belly button, too. Additionally, a traditional tummy tuck allows your Omaha plastic surgeon to fix separated abdominal muscles, which may create a protruding bulge in your stomach area, especially after pregnancy.
Which Tummy Tuck Procedure is Right for Me?
Whether or not you are a candidate for a mini tummy tuck or a traditional tummy tuck is all going to depend on your unique physique, and the results you are trying to achieve. If you have a minimal amount of fat and skin that you would like removed, and it is centralized to below your belly button, then a mini tummy tuck may be the right procedure for you. However, if you have a larger amount of fat and skin that you would like removed, a traditional tummy tuck will likely give you the results you desire.
Call Today for a Tummy Tuck Consultation
The only way you can know for sure if you are a candidate for a mini tummy tuck or a traditional tummy tuck is to have a complimentary consultation with Omaha Dr. Ayoub at the Westfield Plastic Surgery Center. After a complete examination of your abdomen and a discussion of your desired results, Dr. Ayoub can recommend the procedure that will be a perfect fit for your unique needs. During your consultation with Dr. Ayoub, you can even use TouchMD’s patient portal to review the procedure and explain possible results. Call today to schedule a free consultation with Omaha Dr. Ayoub at (402) 829-6384.