Tuberous Breasts Correction

Not every breast augmentation that Omaha board plastic surgeon Dr. Ayoub performs is cosmetic. Every year, Westfield Plastic Surgery Center treats several Omaha patients to correct breast abnormalities and hereditary conditions. Such is the case with tuberous breasts. If you have this genetic condition, read on to see how breast augmentation and other reconstructive procedures can correct the deformity, and give you more naturally looking breasts.
What Are Tuberous Breasts?
Tuberous breasts are a hereditary condition that can affect both women and men. With tuberous breasts, the breasts do not develop correctly and fully during puberty. The lower half of the breast remains attached to the chest wall and doesn’t grow out entirely. Tuberous breasts aren’t merely underdeveloped or small breasts. Symptoms include:
- Enlarged, puffy areola;
- Unusually wide spacing between the breasts;
- Minimal breast tissue;
- Sagging breasts;
- Herniated tissue;
- Higher than normal breast fold, or bottom of the breast; and
- A narrow base at the chest wall.
Additionally, tuberous breasts may mean that milk glands have not properly developed; meaning a woman with tuberous breasts might not be able to breastfeed.
How Are Tuberous Breasts Corrected?
While breast augmentation is often indicated for tuberous breasts, implants alone will not fix the deformities. In addition to naturally looking breast augmentation, an Omaha tuberous breast patient needs:
- Lowering of the breast fold to a more natural position;
- Correction of herniated tissue, if present;
- Incisions on the constricted, lower tissue of the breast to allow it to expand under the weight of the implant; and
- A periareolar telescoping excision or periareolar lift.
What is Recovery Time Like for Tuberous Breast Correction?
Tuberous breast correction surgery is not your typical breast augmentation procedure. It can take up to 6 months for your breasts to heal and for you to begin seeing results from your breast augmentation and accompanying procedures performed to correct tuberous breasts.
Will My Tuberous Breasts Ever Look “Normal?”
Every woman and man are unique, as is every case of tuberous breasts. Without a full consultation and examination by Omaha Dr. Ayoub, it’s hard to say whether or not you will ever achieve truly naturally looking results that will no longer display any symptoms of tuberous breasts.
How Can I Get Started on Reconstructive Surgery?
If you have tuberous breasts or another breast abnormality, the best thing you can do is schedule a consultation with Omaha Dr. Ayoub at his Westfield Plastic Surgery Center. By working with a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Ayoub, you can put together a customized treatment plan for breast augmentation and reconstructive surgery of your tuberous breasts.
Dr. Ayoub even offers Vectra 3D Breast Imaging, a special 3D camera and software solution that helps you visualize what your breast augmentation will look like. While the results from the 3D simulator are not guaranteed, and your results will be dependent on the implants and reconstructive procedures that you and Dr. Ayoub choose for your particular case, the 3D simulation tool can help you decide on a size and shape of breast implant to use for your breast augmentation surgery.
If you’re suffering from tuberous breasts, don’t wait another day before you get help. Call Dr. Ayoub today at (402) 829-6384 to schedule a consultation today.