3 Tips On Choosing The Right Breast Implant Size

No matter what size breasts you have or want, deciding to undergo any kind of plastic surgery procedure is a big choice–especially breast augmentation. Omaha women often discover that once they’ve decided to get breast implants that there are a huge range of other difficult decisions to make. One of the very first–and most important–decisions is the size of their breast implants. Many of our patients undergo a great deal of anxiety and stress about how large they want to go. In this blog post, we’ll look at 3 very important tips on how to choose the right breast implant size for you. If you’re thinking about breast augmentation and are struggling with the size of implants you want, please call Dr. Ayoub today at (402) 829-6384.
Choosing the Implant Size for Your Breast Augmentation
Omaha women that come to Dr. Ayoub for breast augmentation often have one main concern about the size of their implants: they don’t want to look “too big.” The fear of getting unnaturally large breasts is completely understandable. That’s why we’ve put together 3 simple tips that you can use to help you find the breast implant size that fits your body.
- Your body type – Obviously, every patient’s body is different, but there are some general guidelines to help determine the size that might be right for yours. For example, women with a wider chest wall would not want to get smaller implants. In this case, larger and flatter implants would deliver a more natural look.
- Your lifestyle – This can range from how often you exercise, how much time you spend outside, and whether or not you’re going to get pregnant in the future. All of these decisions can help you decide how large your implants should be for your breast augmentation. Omaha women who are runners may not want to get larger implants because they may interfere with their lifestyle.
- Your consultation – We can’t tell you how many patients feel an incredible sense of relief after their preliminary consultation with Dr. Ayoub. Not only will Dr. Ayoub perform an examination, but he will also use some of our cutting-edge technology to help you make the decision about how large your implants should be. This includes our Vectra 3D breast imaging system that will allow you to see exactly what your breasts would look like with different implant On top of that, Dr. Ayoub will let you try on different implant sizing bras so you can “feel” each size.
Why Patients Love Working with Dr. Ayoub
With over 15 years as a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ayoub has done hundreds of procedures for breast augmentation. Omaha women absolutely love the results that they get with Dr. Ayoub for several reasons. First, Dr. Ayoub has worked hard to develop a patient decision-making system that relies on transparency and education. Dr. Ayoub spends as much time as needed with all of his patients to help them find the perfect sized implants for their body and their goals. Second, Dr. Ayoub is also one of the most talented and respected surgeons in the entire state and has been part of the community here in Omaha for over 2 decades.
We would love to talk with you about how Dr. Ayoub can help put your worries at ease so make sure you call us today at (402) 829-6384.