3 Tips for Breast Augmentation After Care

There is no question that a breast augmentation will take time to heal. Your breasts now contain implants which need a different type of care than natural breast tissue. By treating your breasts the right way, your breast augmentation will have the best possible outcome.
Tip 1: Breast Massage
One of the main concerns for breast augmentation Omaha patients is the formation of scar tissue and a problem called capsular contracture. To avoid this problem, I recommend massage for at least a few minutes a day to help your breast implants fuse to the natural breast tissue without scarring. As important as daily massage is the direction of the massage, which should be upwards and towards the center of your chest.
Tip 2: Wear a Supportive Bra
Because the best incision for a breast incision tends to be in the inframammary fold, under the breast, the supportive tissue can be strained by the added weight of implants. By buying a supportive bra, you will take the strain from this tissue and help it heal in place. Although some Omaha patients choose not to continue wearing bras with a lot of support after they’ve healed, it is critical to wear this type of bra when engaged in activity that causes your breasts to move up and down a lot, such as jogging or playing sports.
Tip 3: Be Careful When Getting a Dental Cleaning
A little known fact about a routine dental cleaning is the release of bacteria. This bacteria is harmless and a normal part of your oral hygiene but it can wreck havoc when your body is recovering from surgery. Although the risk may be minor, Omaha patients can avoid the possibility of infection by taking an antibiotic before heading to the dentist.
If you would like more information about breast augmentation, call our office at (402) 829-6384 to schedule a complimentary consultation.