What Is The Best Position To Sleep In After Abdominoplasty?

When men and women in the Omaha area visit Dr. Ayoub to find out more regarding an abdominoplasty, one of the things they often ask is how they are supposed to sleep after their procedure. After all, one would assume that there are restrictions for avoiding the abdominal area after such a major surgery. And this is true! After you wake up from your abdominoplasty, Dr. Ayoub will give you a full list of dos and don’ts to follow once you get home. These instructions provide his Omaha patients with the best chance of having a quick recovery and results they are pleased with. Included as part of your post-op instructions is information about how you should sleep during your recovery. Below you will learn more about the abdominoplasty procedure and what you can expect in the days following.
What Is Abdominoplasty?
Though you likely know it as a tummy tuck, abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure designed to provide men and women in Omaha with a more contoured abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. It is very common for Dr. Ayoub to correct separated abdominal muscles during abdominoplasty as well. Separated abdominal muscles most often occur in women who have had one or more pregnancies. During pregnancy, the abdomen needs to make room for the growing baby; therefore, the muscles in the abdomen stretch and separate. Unfortunately, more often than not, those muscles do not reconnect once the baby has been born. This leaves women with a protruding belly that they aren’t able to diet or exercise away.
An abdominoplasty procedure requires an incision from hip to hip on the abdomen. This gives Dr. Ayoub access to the skin and muscles that need to be corrected. But don’t worry – you’re beach body won’t be compromised by a huge scar because it will be hidden well below your bikini line. Once your separated abdominal muscles have been stitched together, and the excess skin and fat have been removed from your tummy, you will be left with the nice, tight abdomen you’ve been dreaming of.
Recovering After Abdominoplasty
Your recovery from abdominoplasty will take several months. After all, you’ve just had major surgery on your core muscles. In order to make your recovery go more smoothly and prevent complications, it’s important that you follow Dr. Ayoub’s post-operative instructions precisely. Not only does this mean that you need to take your pain medication when and how he prescribes it, but it also means that you need to wear your compression garments as directed, avoid bathing until you’ve been cleared to do so, and avoid smoking. You should also avoid sleeping on your stomach. Instead, try sleeping on your back with your head and shoulders elevated and your legs slightly raised. If you find you are unable to get comfortable in bed, sleeping in a recliner is another good option.
Call Westfield Plastic Surgery Center Today
Dr. Ayoub has over 20 years of experience serving the community of Omaha, and his goal is to help his patients become the best version of themselves. If you’ve been considering an abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) for a while, stop putting yourself off. Give yourself a gift that keeps on giving.
Call his office today at (402) 829-6384 to schedule your complimentary consultation.