Get Bikini-Ready for the Summer with a Breast Augmentation

Summer’s here, which means ladies, it’s time to get our bodies bikini-ready! And while you may be doing all the squats and sit ups you can possibly handle to get your butt and belly in tip-top shape, unfortunately there’s no exercise that can give you the bust – and cleavage – you desire. To achieve that look, Omaha women have a solution! Yes, breast augmentation will give you the breasts of your dreams.
A Breast Augmentation Can Give you Larger, More Fuller Breasts
We all know that the purpose of breast implants is to make your breasts bigger. But did you know that the size, shape and profile of breast implants that you choose will determine your final look? If you want larger, fuller breasts that make you feel sexy in a bikini, you’ll need to work with Dr. Ayoub of Westfield Plastic Surgery Center to choose the breast implants that are right for you.
Finally Have the Cleavage You Desire
If one of your breast augmentation goals is to have cleavage that turns heads – especially in a bikini – you need to tell Dr. Ayoub, because the placement of your breast implants, either over or under the muscle, will determine how your new breasts will look. For Omaha women who want bikini cleavage that make jaws drop, an over the muscle placement might be called for, as it generally helps produce that sex symbol cleavage you desire. Also, depending on your unique physique, over the muscle breast implant placement can allow you to use larger breasts implants, too.
Show Off Your New Breasts Quicker Than you Think
You may think that in order to be bikini ready for the summer, you need to get a breast augmentation in the winter. That’s just not true! While the first few days after a breast enhancement surgery may be painful – we’re not going to lie – after that initial period, most Omaha women begin to feel great. And, after about three weeks post-op, you can hit the pool in your itty-bitty bikini to show off your newly augmented breasts! What’s the reason for the three-week wait? You’ll want to make sure your incision has healed properly and can be soaked in water. Also, just to be careful, you’ll want to dry your top off as much as possible so you aren’t sitting in a soaked suit for too long. It may be easier to initially just stay in the shallow end of the pool, sit on the steps of the pool, not submerging your top, or just lounge poolside.
More Tips for Post-Op Fun in the Sun
You hear it on commercials, you’ve heard it from your dermatologist, and now you’re going to hear it from us. Wear sunscreen! Not only do you want to protect your newest assets, which means applying sunscreen to any exposed skin, you also want to apply sunscreen to your bikini-hidden incisions, as it’s still possible to get a sunburn even underneath your clothes. Breast augmentation incisions that get burnt may become raised or widened, so it’s best to always err on the side of caution. For this same reason, you should also avoid tanning booths until your breast augmentation scars are pale. In the meantime, obtain that golden brown tan that Omaha women love by using a sunless tanning lotion.
Call Westfield Plastic Surgery Center for to Schedule Your Initial Appointment
If your goal is to have breasts and cleavage that turn heads this summer, then what are you waiting for? Call Westfield Plastic Surgery Center in Omaha to schedule your initial appointment today, during which Dr. Ayoub will perform a complete breast examination, help you choose the best breast implant for you, and even allow you to visualize that implant on your body using specialized 3D technology.
To schedule your appointment, call (402) 829-6384 now.